NidoScuola staff

Laura Fasani

The educational coordinator

The educational coordinator, Laura our pedagogical-didactic coordinator who, in the context of school education, is the person who, wihin the nursery and school, coordinates educational activities, armies that usually do not work as a link beetween management and school operators in order to share implement the educational proposal and to obtain the expeted results explicity declared by the PTOF (Three- year Traning Offer Plan). There are many tasks entrusted to her and which, with so much passion, she carries out every day. Here are some:

    • coordinates, directs and supervises in-service teaching and non-teaching staff;
    • of the person in charge of the regular and correct performance of school activities;
    • fostering the efficiency of technical and administrative services;
    • promotes the participation of parents in the life of the school;
    • monitors the fuctionality of the canteen service for the students;
    • takes care of the relations with the medical-psycho-pedagogical team in the presence of disabled students;

The Teaching team

The working group is made up of all those who, within the specifity of the different professional profiles, work within the nusery school: nusery school teacher, Nido educator, expert teachers specific kindergarten disciplines, cook, auxiliary and coordinator.

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In cucina

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Il personale ausiliario

Le persone che si occupano del riordino degli spazi, e della pulizia sono anch’esse preziose per la creazione di un clima di familiarità, attraverso il quale i bambini percepiscono che la dimensione della cura è fatta di molteplici aspetti. Filomena e Barbara sono figure sempre presenti, visibili e partecipi del quotidiano, coinvolte, come tutti, in una specifica formazione.

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